QS Maritime Implements Cutting-Edge Terminal Operating System at Shinas Port

In a pivotal stride towards technological advancement, QS Maritime has successfully introduced its Terminal Operating System (TOS) at Shinas Port. This implementation aligns with the company’s commitment to innovation, as encapsulated in its core value, “I CARE.”

Commencing operations on January 7, 2024, the TOS is poised to redefine port management, providing a digital platform for shipping agents. The CEO expressed enthusiasm, stating that TOS exemplifies the team’s dedication to innovation, emphasizing the importance of the “I CARE” core value within the organization.

Amal AL Mamari, the Operations Representative, highlighted the significant improvement in operational smoothness anticipated with the TOS. She expressed hope that the system would expedite operations, reducing paperwork and streamlining workflows.

Engineer Ahmed AL Kindi, the system’s developer, provided insights into the user-friendly design, aiming for simplicity and efficient communication with shipping agents. Notably, Eng Ahmed Al Kindi collaborated closely with the Operation team over the last two months, primarily consulting with Abdullah Al Amri, who brings extensive experience in port operations. Amri’s guidance proved instrumental in focusing on operational details.

The TOS development considered inputs from both the operation team and shipping agents. The system is slated for another edition in the coming months to ensure comprehensive coverage of all feedback.

This strategic move to TOS reflects QS Maritime’s forward-thinking approach to port management, embracing technology to streamline processes and elevate user experiences. The leadership team’s collective optimism, coupled with ongoing refinements, positions the TOS as a catalyst for positive change, embodying the company’s commitment to innovation.

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